Piano Concerto in G Minor Op. 10 III. Allegro

Henrique Oswald
Piece Duration: 6:44

About this Piece

(Movement III. is 22:53-29:39)

Sheet Music: (pg. 92)  https://vmirror.imslp.org/files/imglnks/usimg/9/99/IMSLP836199-PMLP1315888-ho_concerto_para_piano_score.pdf

Duple Meter: Movement III. starts in a Simple Meter (2/4), then changes to Compound Meter (6/8) at 23:20. Both time signatures are examples of Duple Meter! (6/8 is found on score pg. 96)

Table of Contents:
Movement I. Allegro un poco agitato
Movement II. Adagio
Movement III. Allegro

Notable Passages

Time Stamp: 22:29 — 23:16

Listen to the slow and calm ending of Movement II. At 22:53, Movement III enters without a pause, or "attacca"!

Keywords: Attacca

Time Stamp: 23:28 — 24:19

Chromatic: The melodic themes in this movement feature upper and lower neighbor tones, mostly chromatic minor 2nds!

(Score: Pg. 97-104)

Keywords: Chromatic