Wicker Park

Marcos Balter
Piece Duration: 9:14

About this Piece

"Wicker Park" was written by Marcos Balter in May 2009, for the late avant-garde saxophonist Ryan Muncy. It is named after the neighborhood of Wicker Park in Chicago, Illinois.

Ornamentation / Trill: The saxophonist consistently trills between different notes throughout the piece

Woodwind Instruments: This piece is played on the Soprano Saxophone

Notable Passages

Time Stamp: 6:00 — 8:00

The composer gives a dynamic marking of "ppp," triple piano! From there, the dynamics begin to change quickly. The composer also asks the saxophonist to crescendo and diminuendo to no sound at all (often referred to as "niente"), using a "ø" symbol

Keywords: Dynamics - Composition Technique , Dynamics - Expressive Elements