The Cymbals
Francis JohnsonPiece Duration: 1:35
About this Piece
(Start at 0:14)
Sheet Music:
Bass Line: Mainly I, IV, and V in C Major (Pitches: C, F, and G), with an occasional chromatic passing tone (F->F#->G), that briefly tonicizes the dominant chord (G).
Chords/Cadence / Harmonic Inversion: The A and B sections use I, IV, and V chords in their root position, with a few outliers!
The outliers are all in first inversion:
-The V65 of V (D7 over F#, resolving to G) in measures 3-4
-The I6 chord (C over E) in measures 13-14
-The ii6 chord (Dm7 over F) in measure 15
Use the sheet music to find them! These chords are often played in broken style, with stepwise passages in the right hand that contain many passing tones.
Conjunct/Disjunct Motion: Use the sheet music, and observe the performer's hands, to find examples of conjunct and disjunct motion!