Suray Surita (My beloved little dove)

Theodoro Valcárcel
Piece Duration: 3:30

About this Piece

Sheet Music: 

Video of Piano Accompaniment Only: 

Program Note: Suray Surita is sung in an indigenous language called Quechua. This language is spoken in the Andes of Peru, Bolivia, Argentina, Ecuador, and Chile!

Learn how to say some basic greetings in Quechua, using this video!

Text and Translation:
Kai zonq’oita kamachini waillactay Suray surita
Aman munanquichu nispa waillactay Suray surita
Aa hojq’en raico saq’erpariwan cuyai takiricuspa
¡Zonq’ollay! Pai q’epanta puripuiman sapallampaj

Hinata q’apariyman, maquiykiwampas sip’iway ¡Munaiqui!

Zonq’oitacsi cutichiwan waillactay Suray surita
Manan manquiypichu nispa waillactay Suray surita

To this, my heart, I command, my beloved little dove. 
Do not love my heart, my beloved little dove. 
Ah! For another person you left me, laughing cruelly. 
Oh, my beloved! I would follow your footsteps and wait for you to be alone. 

However it is, I will yell, even if you hurt me with your own hands, I adore you! 

And my beloved responds, my beloved little dove, 
Saying I do not love you, my beloved little dove.

Notable Passages

Time Stamp: 0:04 — 3:37

Tempo - Misc: 
Follow along with the sheet music, for all of the tempo indications given in this song!

  • Adagio (Slowly)
  • Vagoroso e lento (Carefree and slow)
  • rallentando molto (becoming much slower)
  • Un poco piu mosso (A bit faster)
  • A Tempo (back to tempo)
  • Tempo I (Returning to the first tempo)
  • Lentamente (Very Slow)
  • Adagio (Slowly)

Keywords: Tempo - Misc.

Time Stamp: 2:37 — 3:37

When a fermata is given in the last measure of sheet music, the vocalist offers an improvised cadenza! In the middle of the cadenza, the soprano sings a glorious, high C6!

This type of cadenza is a common occurrence in many arias and art songs!

Keywords: Cadenza - Melodic , Improvisation - Expressive Elements , Improvisation - Form , Improvisation - Melody

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