Say Her Name
Alysia LeePiece Duration: 3:50
About this Piece
Program Note: "Written as a vehicle to bring the powerful Kwanzaa ceremony to the concert stage with a call to action. The #SayHerName movement resists police brutality against Black women. If you say the name, you're prompted to learn the story, and if you know the story, then you have a broader sense of all the ways Black bodies are made vulnerable to police violence." - Hal Leonard
Phrase: The musical phrases in this piece are often one or two measures long (ex. The first “say her name” is one measure long, and the second “say her name” is elided into the third, creating a two measure phrase)
Rhythmic Pattern: There is a foot stomping pattern throughout the song! Decode this rhythmic pattern with the syllables you use in class!
Texture: Several musical textures are utilized in this song, including solo melody, unison melody, harmonized melody (homophony), and counterpoint (polyphony)! Can you find them all?
Notable Passages
In the A Section refrain, “Say her name” is sung on a descending and ascending Major 2nd: “do te do” and then “sol fa sol”.
There is also a strong Perfect 4th on the second "Say her /name/” (Pitches: G C, sol do)
Keywords: Interval - Melodic , Melody - Misc. , Solfege , Refrain
The song’s refrain is sung in unison by the ensemble at 0:24-0:45 and 3:27-3:50
Keywords: Melody - Misc. , Unison , Form - Misc.
The B section's main melody, “Put her name in the air” features a leap of a perfect 5th, and a prominent descending stepwise melody “sol fa me re do”
Keywords: Conjunct Motion - Melody , Solfege
The A Section melody is harmonized from 1:09-1:55, and again at 2:42-3:25, mostly in parallel thirds
Keywords: Harmony - Misc. , Parallel Motion
Both melodic sections (A: “Say her name” and B: “Put her name in the air”) are performed at the same time, at 1:31-1:55 and 2:42-3:25
Keywords: Counterpoint - Misc. , Refrain