Rítmica 5

Amadeo Roldan
Piece Duration: 2:20

About this Piece

(Ritmica 5 is 0:08-2:28)

Program Note: "Composed in 1930, Cuban composer Amadeo Roldán’s 'Rítmicas' explore a multitude of Afro-Cuban-influenced setting. The final two – No. 5 and 6 – are written exclusively for percussion. This piece set the ground for the development and establishment of the percussion ensemble in the Western musical narrative." - Wind Repertory Project

Ostinato/Rhythmic Pattern: Many interlocking patterns can easily be seen and heard in this piece! The patterns are notated here.

  • Listen to the first minute of the piece as your teacher points to each Rhythmic Pattern, notated here
  • Decode each rhythmic pattern with the rhythm syllables used in class!
  • Listen to the Notable Passages below, to find each Rhythmic Pattern one by one!

Notable Passages

Time Stamp: 0:08 — 0:18

Rhythmic Pattern 1 is passed from instrument to instrument!

Rhythmic Patterns are notated here.

Keywords: Rhythmic Pattern

Time Stamp: 0:23 — 0:45

Rhythmic Pattern 2 enters, tapped on the guiro! The vibraslap plays Rhythmic Pattern 1, and Pattern 2 soon travels to the maracas.

Rhythmic Patterns are notated here.

Keywords: Rhythmic Pattern

Time Stamp: 0:50 — 1:12

Now it's your turn!

  • Which instrument has Rhythmic Pattern 2?
  • Which instrument has Rhythmic Pattern 3?
  • Which instrument has Rhythmic Pattern 4?

Rhythmic Patterns are notated here.

Keywords: Rhythmic Pattern

Time Stamp: 1:57 — 2:24

The ensemble performs a metric modulation from Simple to Compound Meter!

  • Set a Metronome to 96 beats per minute
  • Conduct in Duple Meter
  • Conduct along with the Notable Passage
  • Tap two eighth notes on a beat (2/4)
  • Then, tap three eighth notes on a beat (6/8)
  • Tap along with the Notable Passage (The Metric Modulation occurs at 2:09)

Metric Modulation: Quarter Note in 2/4 = Dotted Quarter Note in 6/8

Keywords: Metric Modulation , Meter - Misc.

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