Partita on "Detroit"

David Hurd
Piece Duration: 13:30

About this Piece

This piece is based on the hymn “Detroit,” from the Kentucky Harmony shape note tunebook. The melody can be found here, notated in the tenor part!

Theme and Variation: Find each section of the Theme and Variation below, with details about how the melody has been modified by the composer!

Notable Passages

Time Stamp: 0:00 — 0:50

Theme: The first two systems of the opening theme are notated here. The melody of "Detroit" is notated in the bottom staff! (Note: Composers, what is happening in the two staves above the melody?)

Keywords: Theme and Variation - Composition Technique , Theme and Variation - Form

Time Stamp: 0:50 — 2:00

Variation 1: Listen for a musical canon for two, then three voices!

Keywords: Canon

Time Stamp: 2:00 — 2:56

Variation 2 and 3: The organist plays two different ostinatos in the left hand, one for each variation. Can you hear them?

Keywords: Ostinato - Form

Time Stamp: 2:56 — 3:57

Variation 4: Another canon is performed, this time in inversion! Watch for the ascending passages in the right hand, and mirror image descending passages in the left hand.

Keywords: Canon , Inversion - Composition Technique

Time Stamp: 3:57 — 5:54

Variation 5: The theme is played in the right hand, and chords are played in the left hand

Keywords: Theme and Variation - Composition Technique , Theme and Variation - Form

Time Stamp: 5:54 — 6:38

Variation 6: This quick variation features chords are played in both hands, this time with the theme played in the pedals!

Keywords: Theme and Variation - Composition Technique , Theme and Variation - Form

Time Stamp: 6:38 — 7:43

Variation 7: The theme is played in inversion! The first two systems of Variation 7 are notated here.

Look at the sheet music for both the Opening Theme and Variation 7. Can you see the mirror image?

Keywords: Inversion - Composition Technique , Theme and Variation - Composition Technique , Theme and Variation - Form

Time Stamp: 7:43 — 9:38

Variation 8: The inverted melody can be heard in right hand, and then in the pedals.

Keywords: Inversion - Composition Technique

Time Stamp: 9:38 — 12:34

Variation 9: A fugue begins! First, the right hand enters with a subject in D Minor. Then, the left hand enters with the same subject a fourth lower, in A Minor. Soon after, a third voice is played by the left hand, with the subject in D Minor once again. Lastly, at 10:25 the pedals enter with a brief version of the subject in D Minor.

Keywords: Fugue

Time Stamp: 12:34 — 13:37

Theme: Once more, the opening theme is performed to conclude the piece!

Keywords: Theme and Variation - Composition Technique , Theme and Variation - Form

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