...Like Water - First Movement

Bun-Ching Lam
Piece Duration: 3:17

About this Piece

"Bun-Ching Lam kept three Chinese sayings in mind while composing this piece: 'Years flow by like water,' 'Relations between gentlemen are plain like water,' and 'Love tender like water.'" - Joslyn Layne

Notable Passages

Time Stamp: 0:00 — 0:57
Description: The first minute of this movement is based on a Db Whole Tone Scale: [Db Eb F G A B Db]
Keywords: Whole Tone Scale

Time Stamp: 1:53 — 3:23
Description: The music begins to use a Db Lydian Scale: [Db Eb F G Ab Bb C Db]. Lydian scales are similar to major scales, with the fourth tone raised by a half step.
Keywords: Modal