Quinn MasonPiece Duration: 05:50
About this Piece
Program Note:"This composition is a study in texture and the blending/timbral qualities of the different families of instruments with each other. A chorale is introduced early in the piece that is traded off between the different families, giving it a unique feel each time. A Messiaen-esque and mysterious chorale features in the middle section of the composition, which then builds to a sentimental climax. In the final section, the chorale is stated again but mournfully fades in the abyss."
Mixed Meter: The meter is constantly shifting from 4/4, 3/4, 2/4, and occasionally 6/4 which gives the piece a free, non-metric quality. Here, rhythmic duration takes precedence over predictable, and constant metric groupings.
Motif: The composer uses one motif with a rising m6 interval that appears in the trombone, horn and oboe, and a second motif of notes moving back and forth in a m2 that is used primarily as an accompaniment figure.
More info about this piece is found here.
Notable Passages
Mixed Meter: In the opening, we can watch the conductor's pattern to observe the constant change in meter. Can you conduct along with the opening of the piece?
4/4, 3/4, 4/4, 6/4, 4/4, 3/4, 4/4
Keywords: Mixed Meter
Timbre: The chorale section combines the woodwinds and brass instruments moving together in 4-voice harmony.
Keywords: Timbre - Composition Technique
Motif: Listen as the second violins start wandering back-and-forth between two notes (C# and D) while the oboe enters first echoing the same back-and-forth motion on C# and D and then ends the phrase with the rising m6 interval that will repeat in other instruments throughout the piece.
Keywords: Motif
Dynamics: The ensemble gradually crescendos from piano to fortissimo.
Motif: Can you hear the oboe repeating the rising motif?
Keywords: Dynamics - Composition Technique , Dynamics - Expressive Elements , Motif