Gender Envy

Yaz Lancaster
Piece Duration: 5:47

About this Piece

Chamber Ensemble: Flute, Oboe, Bass Clarinet, Percussion, Vibraphone, Piano, Violin, Viola, Cello, Bass

Ostinato: There are five sections in this piece, where ostinatos are layered into the musical texture, one or two instruments at a time.

Listening Map: (Listen to any of these sections on their own in the Notable Passages, below)
-0:05 - Section 1: Ostinatos introduced by Pizzicato Strings + Winds, followed by Piano + Percussion, Viola + Bass 
-1:08 - Section 2: Ostinatos introduced by the Bass + Cello, followed by Viola, Violin, Piano
-2:48 - Section 3: Ostinatos introduced by the Violin, followed by Piano, Bass
-3:58 - Section 4: Tremolos introduced by the Cello, followed by other string instruments in call and response
-4:32 - Section 5: Ostinatos introduced by Piano + Percussion, followed by Cello + Bass, Violin + Winds (clapping), Viola, Violin

What is Gender Envy? - "The term refers to 'having envy for an individual’s expression of gender (for example, wanting the physical features, voice, mannerisms, style, etc., of a specific gender).'

Gender envy is not limited to trans and non-binary people, and can be felt by cisgender people who may express their gender in a more masculine or feminine way than what is expected of them." - PFLAG and LGBTQ Nation

Notable Passages

Time Stamp: 0:05 — 1:08

Section 1: Ostinatos introduced by Pizzicato Strings + Winds, followed by Piano + Percussion, Viola + Bass 

Keywords: Ostinato - Composition Technique , Ostinato - Form

Time Stamp: 1:08 — 2:48

Section 2: Ostinatos introduced by the Bass + Cello, followed by Viola, Violin, Piano

Keywords: Ostinato - Composition Technique , Ostinato - Form

Time Stamp: 2:48 — 3:58

Section 3: Ostinatos introduced by the Violin + Viola, followed by Piano, Bass

Keywords: Ostinato - Composition Technique , Ostinato - Form

Time Stamp: 3:58 — 4:32

Section 4: Tremolos introduced by the Cello, followed by other string instruments in call and response

Keywords: Tremolo - Articulation , Tremolo - Expressive Elements

Time Stamp: 4:32 — 5:50

Section 5: Ostinatos introduced by Piano + Percussion, followed by Cello + Bass, Violin + Winds (clapping), Viola, Violin

Keywords: Ostinato - Composition Technique , Ostinato - Form

Time Stamp: 5:28 — 5:47

The ensemble moves from a mezzo-forte dynamic to piano, ending the piece with a swooping crescendo to forte!

Keywords: Dynamics - Composition Technique , Dynamics - Expressive Elements

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