Jerod Impichchaachaaha’ TatePiece Duration: 8:49
About this Piece
"Chokfi’ (choke-fee) is the Chickasaw word for rabbit, who is an important trickster legend within Southeast American Indian cultures.
Inspired by a commission for youth orchestra I decided to create a character sketch that would be both fun and challenging for the kids. Different string and percussion techniques and colors represent the complicated and diabolical personality of this rabbit person.
In honor of my Muscogee Creek friends, I have incorporated a popular tribal church hymn as the melodic and musical base." - Jerod Impichchaachaaha’ Tate
Mixed Ensemble: Strings and Percussion
Mixed Meter: This piece is in 7/8 time, grouped with 2+2+3 eighth notes in a bar. The piece eventually moves to simple meter, alternating between 3/4, 2/4, and 4/4 time. Watch the conductor’s beat patterns and follow along!
Ternary Form:
A: 0:00 Allegro (Mixed Meter)
B: 3:47 Largo (Simple Meter)
A: 7:23 Allegro (Mixed Meter)