Chant de la montagne No. 1 - Echo-Ismao
Justin EliePiece Duration: 3:08
About this Piece
Sheet Music:
Motif: The main melodic motif is notated here! See the Notable Passages below to hear it at different sections of the piece.
Suggested Activity: Create a listening map of the piece showing each appearance of the main melodic motif. How can you use the space on the page, symbols, color, or text to illustrate how the motif remains the same or changes each time is played throughout the piece?
Notable Passages
A motif is introduced at the start of the piece! (Notated here).
(Use the sheet music to look for it elsewhere in the piece!)
Keywords: Melody - Misc. , Motif , Phrase - Expressive Elements , Phrase - Melody
The opening motif is heard low down, in the left hand!
(Find this motif in the third line of sheet music!)
Keywords: Motif , Melody - Misc. , Phrase - Expressive Elements , Phrase - Melody
The motif is played with chordal accompaniment! Then, the motif is played on its own, with chords at the end of each phrase.
(Find this motif second page of sheet music, starting on the second line!)
Keywords: Motif , Melody - Misc. , Phrase - Expressive Elements , Phrase - Melody
Finally, the motif is last heard in this soaring melodic line!
Keywords: Motif , Melody - Misc. , Phrase - Expressive Elements , Phrase - Melody
A Quarter-Eighth pattern in compound meter is heard here! Listen for the "long, short" rhythms in this section
Keywords: Rhythmic Duration , Rhythmic Pattern
The Quarter-Eighth pattern changes, to an even Eighth-Eighth pattern!
(Find this change on the third page of sheet music, where the time signature changes from 6/8 to 2/4)
Keywords: Rhythmic Duration , Rhythmic Pattern
Listen for how the pianist uses rubato at the end of the piece, starting at 2:37 in this passage!
Keywords: Rubato - Expressive Elements , Rubato - Tempo