Piece Duration: 3:43

About this Piece

Text - by Mariano Melendro Serna (1894-1989) 
Todo, todos, se han ido 
Solo me acompañan mis recuerdos 
Con los cuales unos ratos yo lloro 
Y en ocasiones logro a sonreir. 
Los amo. 

English Translation:
Everything, everyone, has left 
I am accompanied only by my memories 
With which sometimes I cry 
And on occasions I manage to smile. 
I love them (you/you all).

Minor Tonality / Harmonic Motion: 
0:00 - the piece begins in F# Minor
1:20 - a G minor 9 chord is heard, and the piece transitions to B Minor (the IV chord in F# Minor)
At 2:20 - we hear a B Major chord, which resolves to E Minor (the IV chord in B Minor)
At 2:27 - the opening material is heard again, this time in E Minor
2:46 - We hear a Bb Major chord, followed by a Bb Minor chord, and the piece transitions to D Major, to end!

Triple Meter: This piece is written in a slow 3/4. The conductor does not often show a three beat pattern, choosing to conducting the expressive phrases, instead! Can you hear and conduct the beat pulse?

Notable Passages

Time Stamp: 0:17 — 1:38

This section of the piece features suspensions, a type of ornamentation that emphasizes non-chord tones, that later resolve down by step.

The first four ornamentations heard are: 

  • C# -> B (0:18-0:20)
  • A -> G# (0:20-0:24)
  • B -> A (0:26-0:29)
  • E -> D (0:30-0:32)

How many can you hear?

Keywords: Conjunct Motion - Counterpoint , Conjunct Motion - Melody , Melodic Ornamentation , Minor Tonality , Ornamentation - Composition Technique

Time Stamp: 1:39 — 3:08

As the singers sing the line "Con los cuales unos ratos yo lloro" (With which sometimes I cry), the music climbs higher in range and grows louder, as if the ensemble is crying out to the audience!

The music then gets much quieter and hopeful, as the ensemble sings "Y en ocasiones logro a sonreir. Los amo." (And on occasions I manage to smile)

Keywords: Contrast , Dynamics - Composition Technique , Dynamics - Expressive Elements , Harmonic Motion , Range - Composition Technique , Range - Expressive Elements , Range - Texture , Text Painting - Expressive Elements

Time Stamp: 2:52 — 3:40

Listen for the harmonic motion in the final section, noting when each chord changes!

Chords Featured: D, G9, Gm9, D (repeats), Bb, D

Keywords: Harmonic Motion

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