Adíos a Bogotá
Luis Antonio CalvoPiece Duration: 3:01
About this Piece
Program Note: "Adíos a Bogotá was dedicated to the Bogotana Society in gratitude for the expressions of sympathy for the composer, and was probably composed around 1920."
Form: Intro, AA BB CC
Notable Passages
The introduction of this piece features a chromatic line in the left hand of the piano, moving from B to C, C#, D, and finally D#!
Keywords: Chromatic
Harmonic Progression: The A Section of this piece primarily features Tonic (I) and Dominant (V7) chords, that change once every measure!
At 0:38 and 1:10, we hear two different chords: C#7 and F# (V/ii and II), before hearing a Dominant to Tonic (V7 to I) cadence that ends the section!
Keywords: Cadence , Chords , Harmonic Progression , Harmonic Progression - Composition Technique , Harmonic Rhythm
15 seconds in, the left hand begins a rhythmic pattern that is often found in the Tango dance style!
See Tango Rhythm 1 at this link!
- Decode this rhythmic pattern with the rhythm syllables used in class
- Say and clap the pattern
- Listen for it in the piece
- Try to find the rhythm in the sheet music on screen
Keywords: Quadruple Meter , Rhythmic Duration , Rhythmic Pattern , Simple Meter
How many sixteenth note triplets can you find in the B Section? (The B section repeats, so you get two chances!)
Keywords: Triplet