24 Studies in African Rhythms: Study No. 11 “Ayevwiomo Dance 3”

Fred Onovwerosuoke
Piece Duration: 01:52

About this Piece

Hemiola / Mixed Meter: This piece is in 9/8 time, with the eighths grouped as follows: 3+2+2+2 (compared to the conventional 3+3+3). 

The hemiola takes place in the 2+2+2, which creates three beats of equal value in the amount of time normally occupied by two beats!

(One could also notate this piece with alternating bars of 3/8 and 3/4)

Other Movements Featured from 24 Studies in African Rhythms:
No. 3 "Udje"
No. 8 "Ayevwiomo Dance 1"
No. 24 “Raging River Dance 2”

Keywords Featured in this Piece

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